10 Marketing Strategies to Accelerate Your Business Growth

Marketing Strategies to Accelerate Your Business Growth

You’ve done all the planning, all the work in trying to set up your business. You’ve had sleepless nights in the process but still, it all seems it was all for nothing because your business still doesn’t have the visibility it needs to scale to the next level. It really isn’t easy growing a business.

Irrespective of what you’re into, getting a word out has turned out to be progressively difficult. How can you then run a business without the correct advertising procedures to fuel your growth? That’s a recipe for disaster as a business without good marketing is headed for the rocks.

It’s also important to note that there Is no magic marketing strategy. The objective of marketing is to link your business to clients. So, the way to progress your business isn’t just Facebook Ads or SEO(search engine optimization).

There is no magic bullet that will skyrocket your business. I do not know what will work for you, since I may not have met you. I don’t have a clue about your business. I don’t have a clue about your clients. Be that as it may, luckily, you know your business! You know your clients!

When I mean knowing your clients, I mean knowing your ideal client, knowing where you can find them. Try as much as possible to gather relevant information like age range, sex, sites they visit. You should know them so that you’ll be able to craft your message to suit that audience. You do not want to target the wrong audience, trust me.

So, in this article, I’ll be showing you 10 amazing marketing strategies you should apply to your business to take it to the next level where it belongs.

Now, before we get into it, I’ll like to share you a bonus marketing strategy – WiFi Marketing. Some time ago, a friend turned on his WiFi to browse the internet when he saw the name of a hotspot that was on, “Buy your fresh fufu. Block 2, Room 4.” That was just brilliant and that was an environment that people connected to a particular hotspot to use the internet. It actually taught me that any means for reaching out to people is a potential marketing avenue.

Don’t be limited to just these 10 strategies that I’m about to share with you and be creative.. Enough with the motivation, let’s get started!

1. Website

Having a site will be more beneficial for your clients and leads. It makes it extremely easier for your clients/customers to purchase your product. Many people will probably visit your site instead of driving to your physical location to check out your products.

A site can enable you to get more clients outside your city as well as around the world. The web offers a worldwide network. With a site, your business will be detectable anywhere around the globe.

An online web page can be visited whenever; day or night. So, you don’t have to worry about opening and closing hours on a website as valuable information about the business can be accessed on it.

A website is really important as it also helps build better, solid relationships with your clients. Likewise, your clients can survey your items online and can leave remarks/feedback about you and your business.

2. Social Media

One Basic actuality you should know is that social media presence is meant to be a major priority for your business.

It doesn’t make a difference in what size of business you run. Small or large, the social media is a really important tool to get your business out there and customers in.

Social media enables you to associate with your clients and grow your brand visibility. Having an excess of three billion users around the globe, social media remains one of the most fertile places to harvest fellowship and get more clients.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the likes are filled with people that more often want to just ease tension from their everyday lives so, it’s important you understand that and craft content to suit that particular audience if you want to record an exponential growth in that sphere.

3. Create an affiliate program

With a lot of self-employed salespeople around, this is actually a great way to employ people without paying them a salary. The only salary they receive is the commission on any product they sell.

You have a product and/or service, then you put the word out that people can actually make some money for themselves just referring customers to you that buy.

You know who you are targeting? Self-employed sales people who may just have a strategy to get a lot of customers to your business and that’s what your business was just missing.

Work on a system that would be beneficial to absolutely anyone that works with you and more people would love to partner with you. People respond to value, give value to those working with you and you’re on a highway to success.

4. Lead Magnets

Now, this is what bloggers call “freebie”. OptinMonster defines a lead magnet as an “incentive that marketers offer to potential buyers in exchange for their email address, or other contact information.” Using an example, we’re all familiar with this – have you ever gone to any website that you were offered a free product or book to just give them your email address? Well, I’ll be talking about its use in my next point.

But lead magnets can come in a lot of ways, Infographics, eBooks, checklists, even an example of an article you wrote on your website. A hack to knowing if your lead magnet would be valuable is whether it solves a problem or not.  If it does, congratulations of your lead magnet!

5. Email Marketing

This is the main reason for having a lead magnet. When email marketing, you’re directly selling products to your email list and not having to go meet them in person. It all takes one click and you have sent that one message to thousands of people. There is a saying by email marketers that says “at least 2-4% buys.” Let’s use that in an example, you have a thousand subscribers and a product that is worth $20. Using 3%, you have made $20 X 30 people. That’s $600 for one click.

Well, don’t go overboard with sending customers just products that you don’t send them a freebie or something that sends the message that you’re not just interested in their money but also their well-being. People love to feel loved, give that love and value to your customers and you sure would get that back in good profit.

6. Google My Business

Google my Business is a free tool that gives you a chance to determine how your business shows up on Google Search and Maps. It incorporates your business name, area, opening/closing hours, recording client feedback/ratings, including your business logo, how you deliver products to customers and even pricing for your product.

Google, obviously the best internet search engine in the world today has billions of very active users. We live in a world that a lot of people trust reviews of businesses or products, and that can be used as leverage in getting your business out there.

So, sign up and get an account. You will have to fill in the details of your business and get verified by the various methods available on the platform. Then encourage your clients to go online and leave a review of your business.

7. Partner with Influencers

Clients translate partnerships as an esteem support from a brand they as of now trust. Just a simple question, what would you think would happen to profit in your business if Bill Gates in one of his talks mentions your web design business as “an amazing collection of bright individuals who contributed in the increase in sales of our products with their brilliant design and innovative algorithm to speed up our website.” No one needs to tell you how busy you’ll be in a very long time.

But partnerships even help the two or more brands or businesses that are associated that the customers tend to trust the other brand. Thus, making it a mutualistic relationship where everyone benefits from.

In any case, the key is to locate the right influencer. You don’t need to run with so many influencers. You could pick small scale influencers with several thousand or even a hundred thousand customers and that’s alright.

8. Advertising

This involves getting your business out there by paying already high traffic websites or even advertising agencies to publicize your business but advertising can fulfill so much more, as in providing info on how to get in touch with your business, where to find your business, what your business is all about, and even what your business’ core philosophy may be.

9. Storytelling

Now, this is a skill that every business should have in their team. People love stories, it has a way of emotionally connecting those who read and this is an invaluable skill for a visionary business. This is beyond just writing those stories as articles but putting those stories out there also as adverts. Just think about an advertisement, whether or not it inspired you. It was a story written by someone for a business to strike a chord in the hearts of those who watch. Storytelling is a great way to emotionally connect with people, use it.

10. Promote a free service

In the event that you have worked superbly on situating yourself as a specialist or expert in your field, promoting a free service to people could work as a lead magnet. Check out neilpatel.com, offering free website analysis for websites using the tool he developed. He has other paid services, but people would pay for those services because he’s proved his free services really works.

It doesn’t need to be something much, but really valuable that it solves a pressing issue of people in your niche.
In summary, there is a plethora of marketing means to employ if you want to get your business on a whole new level but understanding your customers is invaluable when it comes to using any marketing means you want to.

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How to Write A Great Business Plan | Kudicity September 10, 2020 - 8:49 AM
[…] marketing plan should include a business website, and digital strategies like ads, and social media, […]
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