5 Books to Help You Better Handle Your Finances

Books to Help You Better Handle Your Finances

Money is a resource we just cannot have enough of. No matter how much, it’s still blown away like the wind with crazy emotion-driven expenses and surprisingly, there are people who don’t really make much but don’t find it as difficult as those who do. That should tell us something, “It’s not about how much you make if you don’t know how to properly manage and spend it.”

Here are a few best finance books of all time that would help you immensely in being on top of your finances and maximizing the resources you have, no matter how little it is.

Let’s get down to business!

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki

This one comes on top of the best financial management books list as it sure would change your view about money. Rated the number one personal finance book of all time, this book talks about how Robert’s rich dad and poor dad shaped his thoughts about finances, money, and also investing. It also teaches you to have money work for you, instead of working for it. This book explains just how to pull that off.

2. The Richest Man in Babylon – George S. Clason

This book comes with timeless wisdom concerning money and finances. Written in utter simplicity, George presented a whole lot of truth in wealth building. This book is a perfect example that having a skill doesn’t necessarily mean wealth if you don’t have any idea how to amass it.

3. Emotional Intelligence: The New Rules – Dr. Rob Yeung

Now, this book isn’t about finances. Why then do we need to pay attention to its message?
Science has proven that a lot of “rational” expenses we think that we make, are truly in essence, just emotion-driven expenses. Triggered by influencers like love, pride, and a range of other factors.

Success in your personal finances always starts with understanding how emotions come to play in our expenses. I am in no way saying emotions are bad, use them while making your decisions, and don’t just get ruled by them. Emotional intelligence is an important skill to acquire if you are serious about attaining success in ANY aspect of your life, not excluding your finances also.

4. Cash Flow Quadrant – Robert Kiyosaki

Robert made the list, again?! Right? That should tell you that he knows what he’s talking about and you should listen too. Sequel to Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert talks about 4 types of people that are out to earn a living. He explains the difference between the self-employed, employed, business people, and investors and how these kinds of people think, and how it affects the outcome of their finances.

This book teaches you what your boss would be too scared of telling you. It gives you the liberty to make a choice about which of those four quadrants you’d want to be, and how to make your transition into any of them.

5. The Millionaire Next Door – Thomas J. Stanley

Written in 1996, the book came about from a study of very wealthy people and what was the key to their wealth. The answers Stanley and Danko got in this book were kind of astounding.

Contrary to what a lot of people might think, not all wealthy people drive the latest and flashy cars, live in the biggest mansions, and get all the coolest gadgets. Most of them live very simple lifestyles. It also talks very well about the habits of those wealthy people, habits you should inculcate if you are serious about becoming wealthy, too.

Don’t stop at reading these personal finance books, but also apply the principles it preaches and follow them as though your life depended on them. These books can transform your finances if you are just willing to sit down and listen to what they have to tell you.

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