Home News President Trump label Nancy Pelosi CRAZY

President Trump label Nancy Pelosi CRAZY

by Hafeestonova

US President Donald Trump has labelled House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, as “crazy” for suggesting he could be impeached again if he tried to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by Justice Ruth Ginsburg’s death before the election.

In comments made by the Pelosi on Sunday in an ABC News interview,  she said she was open to using impeachment to stop the Republicans’ push for supreme court confirmation.

Trump in response tweeted that pushing his supreme court nominee would be fulfilling a “constitutional obligation.”

He tweeted “Crazy Nancy Pelosi wants to Impeach me if I fulfil my Constitutional Obligation to put forth a Nominee for the vacated seat on the United States Supreme Court. This would be a FIRST, even crazier than being Impeached for making a PERFECT phone call to Ukrainian Pres”

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