Home NewsNational News G7 Countries pledge to end fuel and diesel consumption by 2030

G7 Countries pledge to end fuel and diesel consumption by 2030

by Hafeestonova

The group of G7 countries have agreed on a plan to end reliance on fuel and diesel-powered cars by 2030.

As part of a comprehensive Green Belt and Road Initiative aimed at providing developing countries with billions of dollars in aids and investments required to curb carbon emissions, the G7 countries also see this initiative as an alternative to China’s belt and road initiative which China has promoted in Africa and developing countries.

According to a report published by the British Government, the G7 nations want to consent to a “nature Compact” that will “halt and reverse: biodiversity loss by 2030. The plan includes conserving or protecting 30% of more of land and ocean respectively globally by the end of 2030.

UK Government “The G7 will endorse a Nature Compact at this afternoon’s meeting to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 – including supporting the global target to conserve or protect at least 30 per cent of land and 30 per cent of ocean globally by the end of the decade. Leaders will set out the action they will take to slash carbon emissions, including measures like ending all unabated coal as soon as possible, ending almost all direct government support for the fossil fuel energy sector overseas and phasing out petrol and diesel cars.” –

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said “Protecting our planet is the most important thing we as leaders can do for our people. There is a direct relationship between reducing emissions, restoring nature, creating jobs and ensuring long-term economic growth. As democratic nations, we have a responsibility to help developing countries reap the benefits of clean growth through a fair and transparent system. The G7 has an unprecedented opportunity to drive a global Green Industrial Revolution, with the potential to transform the way we live.”

The G7 are also expected to commit to almost halve their emissions by 2030 relative to 2010. The UK is already going even further, pledging to cut emissions by at least 68% by 2030 on 1990 levels (58% reduction on 2010 levels).

The United States Government also confirmed comments by the UK stating an end in direct support for thermal coal power generation.

“Accelerating Decarbonization and Transition from Unabated Coal: Confronting the climate crisis presents a historic opportunity to drive our economic recovery, create millions of good-paying union jobs, and build back better as we invest in a more resilient, prosperous, equitable, and secure future. Recognizing that unabated coal power generation is the single biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions globally, and consistent with President Biden’s domestic leadership, G7 Leaders will commit to an end to new direct government support for unabated international thermal coal power generation by the end of this year.”

This new agreement is a direct threat to Nigeria’s economic future as the Nigerian Government relies on crude oil export for over 50% of its revenues

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