Home NewsWorld News Protesters Ignore Night-Time Curfew in Sudan

Protesters Ignore Night-Time Curfew in Sudan

by James Ma
Curfew in Sudan

Hundreds, and running into thousands of people have remained on the Streets of Khartoum – Sudanese capital – while ignoring curfew declared by Sudanese military council.

On Tuesday, and after months of street protests, Long-time President Omar al-Bashir was arrested and overthrown. But demonstrators believe that the new military council is still part of the same regime.

Raising fears of a violent confrontation between military and civilians, the fresh stand-off has put a lot of people in serious danger if things went sour.

Will Ross, BBC World Service Africa editor says, “There is also a real danger that different elements of the security forces and militia could turn their guns on each other.”

The UN and the African Union have both issued calls for calm.

Following the news of Mr. Bashir’s arrest, the mood of celebration evaporated when the organisers of the protests continued as they called for a mass sit-in outside military headquarters.

Sara Abdeljalil, a member of the Sudanese Professionals Association said, “This is a continuation of the same regime, so what we need to do is to continue the fight and the peaceful resistance.”

An official statement was carried by state-run media that said that a curfew would run from 10 p.m. local time to 4 a.m.

“Citizens are advised to stick to it for their safety, the armed forces and the security council will carry out its duty to uphold peace and security and protect citizens’ livelihoods.”

The crowds on the streets of Khartoum waved their flags and chanted “Fall, again!” as they refashioned their previous anti-Bashir chant of “Fall, that’s all!”.

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