Home Business Why Your Business Needs to Build an Email List

Why Your Business Needs to Build an Email List

by James Ma
benefits of email marketing

Talking in terms of potential ROI, email lists will always beat social media platforms. Although your clients may be active – really active on social media, you have no power or control over that platform because it simply isn’t yours.

A social media platform could crash any day and you realise that you have been building on another man’s land. Don’t make this mistake – emails are your direct link to your customers and you need to build it up so that you stand a chance to get better results and capture their attention.

But if you’re wondering if email marketing will work for your business, the answer is ‘yes.’

And here are great benefits of building an email list or benefits of email marketing.

1. You stand great chances to win your customers over.

When someone opts into your email list, it’s game on. Because at that moment, you have an opportunity to make them regulars to your business which is a huge plus.

That is why you need to make them feel special by offering them something in their inbox. Leverage the law of reciprocity – if you are not willing to give them anything of value, why would they want to give you their money when you want to sell to them?

So, you need to avoid sounding super salesy, or they could just unsubscribe to your newsletter or hit spam and that’s worse.

Be more focused on how much value you can add to their lives, and you stand a greater chance of winning them over.

2. This is a great way to put your business right in front of them

This is another great benefit because what people don’t see for a while, they tend to forget. Stats show that 96% of people that opts into your email aren’t ready to buy yet. But you have got to have something of value that keeps them, and great products they may buy some time.

So, in the meantime, you don’t want to be forgotten. A big reason why you must always have it at the back of your mind that you are out to dish out value.

But you may be wondering just how often you should show up in their mail. Since there is no perfect answer to that, you should aim at showing up consistently.

They should psychologically associate your email with two things, value and consistency. That pays off big time. Because if they can add you to their daily routine, that would definitely be a huge plus for you. And if you stick to a particular day for showing up, they may begin looking forward to you.

There are a lot of stories about entrepreneurs who built up a 5-figure business specifically through the power of their email list. However profitable or advantageous to your business, you should never be in haste that you become impatient about the very things you’re supposed to learn along the way.

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