Home Jobs Portal Principal at Grange School

Principal at Grange School

by Sammy

Role Description

  • The Governing Council regards the Principal as the school’s educational, administrative and supervisory leader. He/ She will be responsible for the school’s organisation, discipline and general operation as a whole.
  • He/ She will report to the Governing Council. His/ Her supervisory duties are varied and include all matters which will facilitate and promote the professional growth of teachers and the all-round educational development of pupils.
  • The Governing Council has approved certain guidelines for the Principal and has outlined specific duties and responsibilities. It also recommends certain practice in school administration and operation.
  • The Governing Council encourages helpful suggestions and advice from the Principal.
  • The Governing Council will consult with the Principal on school staff appointments and placements. The Principal is the administrator under Governing Council Policy responsible for staffing.
  • Specifically, the Principal’s duties and responsibilities shall include the following in the context of Governing Council Policy.

Duties and Responsibilities in Relation to Staff

  • Subject to approval of the Governing Council, the Principal shall allocate and may make policies and regulations concerning the duties of all instructional and support
  • personnel of the School and shall be responsible for the school’s organisation, supervision and general discipline.
  • Although he/she has the authority to allocate duties and make policies and regulations for the school, the Principal should discuss and determine the duties, policies and regulations in consultation with his/her Deputies and staff as a whole so that a spirit of mutual goodwill and cooperation will prevail in the school.
  • The Principal shall convene management and staff meetings regularly to maintain a high level of communication.
  • The Principal shall direct the arrangement for substitute teachers to replace teachers temporarily absent from duties.

Responsibilities as Educational Leader and Supervisor

The Principal shall provide leadership, direction and supervision in the school by:

  • Co-ordinating the development of the school blueprint and programme plan, ensuring strategies included therein are appropriate and effective in the Grange School context, and conducting periodic reviews to devise improvement.
  • Guiding and helping deputies and teachers through evaluation, supervision and other means consistent with Governing Council Policy and sound professional practice.
  • Encouraging professional growth for all staff members by coordinating the development of individual Professional Development Plans, as well as identifying and promoting inservice programs beneficial to the staff as a whole.
  • Acting as a mentor to deputies through sharing of information and discussion.
  • Fostering co-operative and harmonious staff relations.
  • Developing good relations between the school and the community.

Duties and Responsibilities as Administrative Head of the School

  • The Principal is responsible for carrying out all duties that befit him/ her through any practice, policy or regulation of the Governing Council.
  • As the individual responsible for financial management at the school level, the Principal shall be responsible for approving requisitions.
  • The Principal is responsible for preparing estimates of the needs of the School, which are to be reflected in the development of the annual school budget with respect to:
    • Instructional equipment
    • Instructional aids
    • Furnishings
    • Supplies
    • Prospective staff requirements for the next school year.
    • Reserves
  • The Governing Council may set schedules or tables for the above.
  • The Principal is responsible for the accurate completion and prompt forwarding of all forms as required by the Governing Council
  • The Principal is required to ensure the keeping of accurate records such as cumulative records.
  • The Principal is required to ensure the prompt transmission of official bulletins and information to staff members.
  • All school staff members are under the Principal’s general direction.
  • The Principal is responsible for the supervision and evaluation of the staff employed by the school in accordance with the Governing Council Staff Evaluation Policy.
  • The Principal is responsible for the general direction of school transportation with respect to the pupils transported on field trips and excursions.
  • Although Caretaking staff are generally accountable to the Business Office with regard to employment, working conditions and quality of service, the Principal shares the responsibility for direction daily.
  • The Principal has direct responsibility to the Governing Council for all school property under his/her jurisdiction.
  • The Principal shall ensure that monthly fire drills are conducted in compliance with the Nigerian Fire Service Code, whereby evacuation drills shall be conducted once a month during the months of September, October, November, April, May and June.

Duties and Responsibilities in Relation to Pupils

  • The Principal shall ensure that pupils and students are placed in the most appropriate educational environment subject to the approval of the Governing Council.
  • The Principal and staff shall be responsible for the supervision of classroom play activities of the pupils throughout the school day.
  • The Principal shall ensure that reports to parents on their children’s progress are provided as required, including results of standardised testing.
  • The Principal shall ensure that report cards approved by the Governing Council are used to report to parents.
  • The Principal shall ensure that at the end of the instructional year, a placement statement is provided to each student’s parents in Years 1-9.
  • The Principal has delegated authority and responsibility given to him/ her regarding students’ exclusions as allowed for by the Governing Council. All cases of exclusion from school shall be documented and reported immediately to the Governing Council. Further, procedures related to student suspension as outlined in Governing Council
  • Policy shall be strictly followed. As the administrative and supervisory head of the school, the Principal has responsibility for organisation, discipline and general operation of the school as a whole.


Duties and Responsibilities to Parents

  • The Principal shall ensure that consistent lines of communication with parents are maintained so that issues might readily be resolved and that a spirit of mutual goodwill and cooperation might prevail.
  • The Principal shall make provisions for establishing the school Parent Teacher Association in accordance with the Governing Council Policy.
  • The Principal shall ensure that, where possible, there is involvement of parents in the decision-making process affecting their children.
  • The Principal shall ensure that parent/teacher interviews are arranged as part of reporting to parents on students’ progress.
  • The Principal shall publish regular newsletters to parents to keep parents well informed of students’ activities.
  • The Principal shall ensure parents are provided with information related to achievement tests, diploma exams and satisfaction surveys


  • University degree in an appropriate area of study.
  • Professional Teaching Certificate.
  • Graduate studies, formal coursework and/or in-service training in four or more of the following areas:
    • Curriculum Development,
    • Personal Administration,
    • Educational Programme Administration,
    • Educational Planning,
    • StudentAdministration Relationships,
    • School Finance, Instructional Supervision,
    • Successful previous teaching experience,
    • Successful previous administrative experience.
How to Apply
  • Candidates wishing to apply for this post are asked to submit their most recent CV as well as a letter of no more than two sides of A4 outlining their motivation for applying and the ways in which their prior professional experience has prepared them for this role.
  • The CV should include names and up to date contact details of three professional referees, one of whom must be the candidate’s most recent headteacher/line manager. We will not contact referees without the candidate’s permission to do so.
  • Letters and CVs should be sent to applications@grangeschool.com

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