Home EntertainmentShort Stories #ShortStories: Memories (Episode Five)

#ShortStories: Memories (Episode Five)

by Hafeestonova
#ShortStories Memories (Episode Five)

That night took a turn that was strange for her. For him, however, there was nothing new about what he was doing; he had always enjoyed good sexual experiences. Using his tongue to tease her intimate areas was just part of his repertoire.

But for her, it was everything. She had never felt such pleasure in her life. The way he placed his head between her legs, using his tongue to stimulate her, felt magical. She was on an exhilarating high, and she couldn’t help but exclaim, “I feel on top of the world! Please don’t stop!” as she bit her tongue and curled her legs around his neck, lost in the moment.

In the midst of this euphoric haze, she slowly began to wake up. The moment he noticed her stirring, he snapped out of his thoughts and moved closer to her. But as she opened her eyes and saw him, she screamed in fright. Confused, he tried to calm her down. “Baby, it’s me, Anthony. It’s okay,” he said softly, but she continued to scream as if she had seen a ghost.

Her cries brought the nurses rushing into the room. They quickly assessed the situation and told him to leave so they could help her calm down. From his expression, they could see he was reluctant to go, so one of the nurses discreetly led him outside, pretending she needed to discuss something important about her health. Though hesitant, he followed her.

Once outside, the nurses worked to soothe her. Although her screams had subsided, she remained visibly confused and frightened.

Meanwhile, Anthony stood just outside the door, his focus solely on her. He stared through the ajar door, barely processing what the nurse was saying. His heart raced with worry. What had caused her to scream like that? The words she had shouted echoed in his mind, leaving him baffled.

As the nurses managed to calm her down, he tried to slip back into the room, but the other two nurses blocked his way. They insisted it was best for her to be alone for now. He wanted to argue, but their firm demeanor left him no choice. The last thing he wanted was to worsen her condition, so he reluctantly stepped back.

He was taken to the reception area to wait until daybreak. At this point, sleep was impossible. His mind raced with questions: What could have made her scream when she saw him? Was she having a nightmare, or was this a common reaction for someone waking up from a coma? The uncertainty gnawed at him, but amidst the worry, there was a flicker of hope—she was awake.

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