Home News AFCON 2023 Final: Football Fever can turn Fatal

AFCON 2023 Final: Football Fever can turn Fatal

by Alice Babalola
AFCON 2023 Final

The roar of the crowd, the thrill of the game—Nigeria’s Super Eagles have done it again! With a stunning victory over South Africa, they’ve clinched their spot in the AFCON 2023 finals, sending waves of euphoria across the nation. But amidst the jubilation, a somber reality looms: football fever can turn fatal.

As fans decked in green and white dance in the streets, we must heed a cautionary tale. While the highs of victory are electrifying, they can also mask the dangers of extreme emotion. Tragically, two lives were lost in the heat of the match, serving as a stark reminder that football isn’t just a game—it’s a matter of life and death.

Dr. Ojougboh, a seasoned politician and former Executive Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission, was not only a prominent figure in Nigerian politics but also someone who, given his medical background, might have been expected to understand his own state of health and take necessary precautions. However, his sudden demise due to a massive heart attack while watching the match in Abuja serves as a stark reminder that health conditions can often catch even the most vigilant individuals off guard.

Despite his medical knowledge and presumably understanding his susceptibility to heart-related issues, Dr. Ojougboh found himself overtaken by the tension and excitement of the football match, leading to a tragic outcome. This serves as a poignant lesson that even those with expertise in healthcare can sometimes underestimate their own vulnerability to health crises, especially in moments of intense emotion and stress.

Likewise, a young NYSC member, Samuel from Kaduna State, collapsed during the tense penalty shootout, never to rise again.

The highs and lows of football are nothing new, but these incidents hit close to home, highlighting the need for caution amidst the euphoria. Football isn’t just a game; it’s a rollercoaster of emotions that can take a toll on even the strongest of hearts.

As we gear up for the finals, it’s time for Super Eagles fans to check themselves before they wreck themselves. Sure, the adrenaline rush of watching your team dominate on the pitch is unbeatable, but is it worth risking your health or even your life?

Take it from personal experience—I made the conscious choice to skip the semi-finals, opting instead for a leisurely stroll. Why? Because I knew the tension of the game could have dire consequences for my health. And I’m not alone. Many of us, young and old, find ourselves teetering on the edge of emotional overload when the stakes are high.

So, as we await the final, let’s celebrate responsibly. Let’s revel in the glory of the Super Eagles’ triumph, but let’s also remember to prioritize our health and well-being above all else. Whether you’re watching from the stands or the comfort of your living room, know your limits, and don’t be afraid to step back if the tensions become too much. If you know you’re prone to heart palpitations or anxiety attacks during nail-biting matches, it’s okay to sit this one out. Trust me, your health is way more important than any game.

As we countdown to the finals, let’s pledge to celebrate smartly, support our Super Eagles with all our hearts, and above all, take care of ourselves and each other. Victory tastes so much sweeter when it’s accompanied by good health and happiness.

Here’s to cheering on our Super Eagles to victory, but let’s make sure we’re still standing tall when the final whistle blows. It’s game on, Nigeria—let’s make this one count!

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