5 Ultimate Career Tips for College Students

Career Tips for College Students

Going to college or university is tough already, but having to worry about securing a job after college or university is tougher and much more difficult to handle while still at school.

Although many students face school and leisure and don’t bother about jobs until they are graduated, it is better to be mindful of where you will return to after school – job, and family sustained by a decent job.

Your best bet to secure your dream job while still a college or university student is to prepare for it by taking the following tips into account:

Know what it takes to succeed in your chosen field

You must know and understand what it takes to succeed in any given field even while still a student in the campus. As a medical student, you must know what makes a medical doctor succeed as a doctor in the employ of the government or as one in private practice; if you are an engineering student, you must understand what made great engineers out there to succeed as they have done.

Knowing what makes industry leaders will help you to prepare for the task even while still being a student; for instant, you may fail to qualify for your degree if you fall short below a certain grade level, and this must ginger you to do more to succeed in your desired field.

Learn job application and interview skills

It is good to conduct mock interview sessions to learn everything about job applications and interviews. Study the best way to write job applications, CVs or resumes, cover letters, job references or recommendations – and how to format all these.

You must know how to pass job interviews and impress interviewers with your academic qualifications and relevant job experiences, and how to answer or react to interview questions.

Activate all your networks

Activate your social and network networks in preparation for a job most especially if you’re in your final years. Being in the final year in the university should remind you to start activating your network resources with a view to getting a suitable job as soon as you leave campus.

You don’t want to wait two or three years before landing any desired jobs, so it’s better you start the preparation and moves now – while still in the campus.

Join a professional organisation as a student member

Almost every job or occupation has its own professional organisation, and you may consider joining one as a student member.

A professional association for medical doctors, engineers, architects, artists, marketers, secretaries, and so one will be a great advantage to preparing you for a future job; and don’t forget that many association members already have their own businesses and companies and may hire you if you’re good and resourceful at the association’s meetings.

Practise your career while still in school

It is best to start practising while still in school. Start to take on writing and news reporting assignments if you plan to practise as a journalist or editor, and start to do online marketing if you plan to be a good marketer after school.

You must also start to design building plans as an architect or repair electronic devices if you plan to be an electronics engineer. And you know what? You may start to earn some good money as a student at the university while practising these things, while also honing your career skills in readiness for future jobs.

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