Don’t Chase Motivation, Just Change These Two Things

Don't Chase Motivation

You need motivation at every point to get work done. And to save you the time of “finding motivation”, which can take a long time at times, we would be focusing on other things that when done right would just magically spur you into action where your willpower seems to have reached its limit. And that’s what I will be talking about in this article.

What are those two things that you need to control and that boosts your motivation magically almost every time? Well, let’s get down to business!

1. Your mindset

Your mind plays a major role in motivating you. I am very sure that when you picture “finding motivation,” I’m certain you may picture the “motivational talks” you hear all around – you picture something external, which isn’t true at all. While those are very helpful, they can never make lasting changes and will never really work for you unless YOU begin to work.

What do I mean by “when you begin to work?” I mean getting your mind optimized for success in whatever you want to get. When you pull that off, you would start to experience a pull to just get off your butt and into action.

That is why you listen to a hundred motivational quotes or speeches but still slide back to your old habits – because YOU aren’t right yet, you are having the wrong state of mind.

You may actually be wondering how to influence your mindset. Well, one awesome way that would produce awesome results is to practice affirmation.

When you wake up in the morning or just before you go to sleep at night, look into the mirror, and say positive things to yourself. You don’t really need to talk to the mirror, although that would be a good practice, but just say positive words to yourself and see yourself achieving those things in your imagination.

Tell yourself your dreams, remind yourself. Tell yourself that you are smart, intelligent, etc. You want to make your mind believe that it is whatever you want it to be and you will start to notice the results in your behaviour and ventures.

This isn’t just limited to mornings and nights, but throughout your day especially when you find yourself slipping and thinking negative thoughts. And because all the results you experience has its roots in your mind, you should guard it with all you have.

2. Your Clique

I always say something that I believe that you should adopt, too. That is this, “Surround yourself with so much positivity that you don’t pay too much attention to get your mind right.”

You don’t want to waste time always “setting” and “re-setting” your mind right, and one way to tackle that is to be in the midst of positive people that are on the same journey with you.

You must have heard the saying, “You are an average of the five people you hang out with the most,” and that, my friend, is true. You should be careful who you pay attention to, because just like positive affirmations to your mind, you will not be doing the telling, but other people.

And do you know that we tend to believe other people’s words better than ours? Then imagine the disaster bound to occur when we start to listen to failures. Edit your clique, and do that immediately.

You may be wondering how important these two are when it comes to finding motivation. But I would want you to try it out for just one week. Be very self-aware during that period and see what happens to your drive. But remember, don’t slip – keep being positive throughout your day!

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