Guatemalans to choose president amid distrust

On Sunday, Guatemalans will vote for their next president in elections clearly rigged by widespread disillusion and distrust, and as thousands of their compatriots flee poverty and gang violence to seek a new life in the United States.

With almost 20 candidates in the race for president, and the winner needing an absolute majority, a runoff vote is likely.

The road to this presidential election has been a battle with a flurry of court rulings, illegal party-switching and allegations of malfeasance that torpedoed the candidacies of two of the top three candidates.

Three of the last four elected presidents have been arrested post-presidency on charges of corruption. Graft allegations have also targeted current Jimmy Morales and his inner circle, though he has outrightly denied any wrongdoing and is protected from prosecution due to his immunity while in office.

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