9 Hacks to Boost Your Productivity Working Long Hours

How to Boost Your Productivity

Humans are not supposed to be working too long because it can actually be detrimental to health. What if there was no way around it and you have to work but still want to maintain optimal productivity?

I will be showing you 9 amazing hacks you can employ that helps you maintain your productivity working long hours.

1. Exercise

This is a really great way to boost your productivity. People have optimal energy levels in the morning and it declines as the day progresses but studies show that people who exercise in the morning report higher energy and productivity levels than those who don’t.

2. Have a purpose

There’s a saying, “when the purpose isn’t known, abuse is inevitable.” When you don’t have goals set for your day, you’re setting yourself up to be a wheel in achieving someone else’s goals. Have a purpose for each day, write them down in the morning, and let those goals guide you throughout your day.

3. Prioritize

Of course, you may set out goals for your day and still not hit every single one of your goals. How do you make sure you hit the goals relevant to you? You prioritize! Set priorities and tackle your biggest tasks first. When you do that, you have conquered your day.

4. Be in charge of your time

Learn how to say no to things that may want to hinder you from achieving your goals and begin to say yes to your goals and things that matter most to you. It’s not being selfish, it’s having self-respect.

5. Good is perfect

A whole lot of people are very guilty of this one. We are so focused on getting our work so perfect that it just eats up a huge portion of our time. Know when your work is good enough and move to something else. In the course of doing something else, don’t be surprised if you just get an idea you need to perfect the works you’ve been previously engaged in.

6. Take breaks

A lot of great people in the past have used this technique effectively. Thomas Edison, one of the world’s greatest inventors used to take short breaks and even a 20-miinute power-nap. Breaks have an amazing way of easing us of tension and getting back lost energy to help you better tackle problems with ease and a relaxed mind.

7. Make the most out of peak hours

Everyone is absolutely different and have certain hours of the day that they feel most productive. Move works that’ll demand a lot of creativity to those hours you feel most productive and you’d be amazed at what you’ll be able to pull off during that period.

8. Delegate

You cannot do everything perfectly! There are certain tasks you just hate to do and can be very time-consuming in completing. Also, there are some others that just come naturally to you and you do with absolute ease. Pass on those tasks you dislike and focus on those you’re good at.

9. Be proactive, not reactive

It’s very normal that we try to be “busy” that we get busy doing the wrong things at the wrong time. You may seem genuinely busy picking up calls while working, or “quickly” replying a mail but this is just you reacting to everything that happens around you. It’s often a wrong approach in aiming to be more productive as you work. Rather, you could map out time to reply to those calls, emails, and all that. Don’t be a reactor, keep your eyes on the goal and aim at hitting it.

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