Home Business How to Deal With Insatiable Customers

How to Deal With Insatiable Customers

by Sammy
Insatiable Customers

Let’s face it, time will come in your business where you’ll meet customers that no matter what you do, you won’t just seem to be able to please them.

This can be really frustrating and time-consuming, especially when you have other important business to attend to but there are methods you can employ today that will significantly solve a huge part of that problem, and that’s what I will be talking about in this article.

Here’s how to deal with insatiable customers and produce a win-win outcome.

1. Don’t argue with them

Do not ever make the mistake of arguing with a customer.

If whatever problem you’re intertwined in gets to this level, politely get your points across, and don’t let it escalate to the point where you just want to “set something straight”.

2. They aren’t feeling valued enough

Everyone has underlying emotions that trigger why they do what they do. Most times, customers who cannot just be satisfied may have that problem stemmed from a lack of appreciation or recognition.

They want to feel seen, heard, and not just appear some kind of “mindless customer” who will just walk into any business and throw in some money for just any product. What you can do instead is to make your kind gestures larger than normal, while also doing it in a humble manner. Be careful though, you don’t want to come across as someone who’s mocking them, being rude or something. It may come back to bite you.

Psychologically, they have the feeling that you have just been “too” kind to them, and they should just seal this and not “take too much of your time”. This is called the law of reciprocity. Where people feel like they have gotten a lot from you that they start to feel like they owe you a favor but in this case, the favor that will readily come to their minds is to save you time.

3. Listen

Don’t make the mistake of just trying to avoid that customer that you just don’t listen actively, so as to bring about an improvement on how you run your business, or serve them.

You may just be avoiding an important conversation that may cost your business a lot of money in sales someday. So, respect your client, and try to bring about innovation.

4. Write down exactly what they want and find a solution

Now, some customers won’t ever seem to make up their minds about something. Politely ask them what exactly they’ll need to get done. Write that down, solve them, and show them each and everything on that list that you have ticked off. When things appear in print or written down, it’s difficult for them to say that they said otherwise. So, employ this and enjoy the benefits.

They’ll be less likely to make more requests when they find out that you have just satisfied everything they asked.

5. Don’t blow a fuse

Keep your cool! Do not make this fatal mistake of getting angry at your customer. You just make everything so awkward for everyone, and you may, in fact, lose a sale, and ultimately, a customer in that way.

You are bound to run into customers that’ll definitely give you some hard time. Make sure you don’t let their issues get you all vexed. Keep your cool, try to understand that customer, and always try your best to find a solution.

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