How to Pitch Prospects and Get Their Attention in 5 Easy Steps

How to Pitch and Get Attention

Pitching prospects for a job or a proposal makes a lot of people cringe, but this shouldn’t be. It can be really nerve-wracking but having the perfect pitch separates you from the average “jack” that just puts little thoughts into their message while connecting less with whoever’s on the receiving end. The perfect pitch can just earn you that business meeting or even the deal.

Bear it in mind that your prospects would be receiving an incredibly high amount of offers on a regular basis, so, it’s really important that you are able to stand out in your pitch, be straight to the point, and gain their attention. Keep it simple, keep it concise. This would be revealed to you just how in five really easy steps.

Without further ado;

1. Create a rapport

This could be something as simple as stating how you got to know them, how their products or business has been of benefit to you, or where you’ve met them (that’s if you’ve met them before). This process is really important in establishing some sort of connection with your prospect, and that makes them feel respected, and can actually indulge them want to read more on what you have to say.

2. Introduce yourself

State your name, and what you do, basically. Don’t try to impress with a lot of titles and unnecessary information. You could just state those which are relevant enough.

3. Pitch

Now, it’s time to pitch your idea to your prospect. If this is too long, make a summary and ask if they would like to hear more of it. That sends them the message that you value their time well enough that you don’t want to engage them in apparently meaningless proposals, especially if they wouldn’t read it all.

4. Portfolio

This is where you showcase your works or ventures. People may not want to hold an interview with you to land you a deal but may just want to see what you have done before, and that alone convinces them that you’re a good pick for the deal.

Also, don’t make this too long. Get the relevant ones on, and leave the remaining. Make sure that you show them works that you know would have a greater impact in affecting their decisions concerning your pitch and you’re good to go.

5. Close

You don’t need a lot of talk in pulling this off. This should be just one call to action that you need for your prospects to act on. Whether it is buying your product, or arranging a meeting – be specific and always keep it simple.

Do you see how that was? Easy wasn’t it? But don’t let the simplicity fool you, a lot of people skip one or two of these points and just render a great pitch useless. Also, a lot of people don’t even have a structure on how their pitches go. They write just anything that comes to mind, and sadly, that can really affect the outcome of the whole proposal.

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