How to Ask For Job Recommendations

job recommendation

Most new employers would ask you for a referee or recommendations before giving you a job, and most others would ask that a referee or guarantor sign some guarantee form to guarantee that you’d be of good behavior and that they’d take responsibility if you engage in any untoward or unprofessional conducts.

Most people are cautious of giving job recommendations on behalf of others because they fear you could misbehave and tarnish their images, and most others know they could be held responsible if you happen to commit any fraud. So asking people to be a referee or provide a recommendation for you is always a dicey thing, but you might apply the following strategies and win their favor if you’d do it correctly:

Be selective of who you ask for a reference

Not everyone can qualify for a good job referee, and some employers would not even accept a relation or family member. So be careful and ensure that the person you ask for a job recommendation is perfectly qualified to do so and is a respected member of the community or some industry professional.

Ask nicely and with all humility

The key to obtaining most job reference lies in asking nicely and with all politeness. Knowing how to ask for job recommendations wins half the battle, and is a great step toward achieving your purpose. Ask nicely, at the right time and place, and with all humility, and you’d have your recommendation as soon as you want it.

Tell them the purpose of the recommendation

It is always helpful to tell people why you want the reference or recommendations. No one would give you a reference or recommendation unless they know why they are doing so, and in fact why they must provide you with one. Explain you need it for a job requirement and provide them with convincing reasons why they should help you out.

Hint at the risks involved

Let them know that you aren’t getting the job unless of course, they provide you with a positive recommendation and that you aren’t going to shame them in any way if provided the document. That you’d really appreciate their help and the confidence they have reposed in you if they provide you with the reference.

Provide the needed details

You may have to supply them with more details to enable them to make up their minds or do a good job of the recommendation. You could provide them with a copy of the job ad, a copy of your CV and cover letter, links to your LinkedIn profile, and a summary of your related experience and suitability to the job.

Ask your former employer

It may also interest you to ask your former employers for a reference or recommendation if it is required or you are disposed to it. Some may provide you with a “To Whom It May Concern” document or a more personalized reference and recommendation letter. If this is okay by you, then it might be the only clincher you ever need to get your desired job.

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