Another mentioned principle was to “adapt to evolving market conditions and enhance the likelihood that publishers can build diverse revenue streams.”

Also listed was “Fairness, that is, mechanisms should ensure that terms of engagement between platforms and publishers are consistent across a market; collectivity: Small and medium-sized publishers should be allowed to coordinate their efforts, which may include collective bargaining with platforms; highest possible degree of transparency should be adopted for both the process by which policy interventions are designed and implemented as well as the outcomes obtained.”

The principles have been endorsed by Alexis Johann, Managing Partner, FehrAdvice & Partners AG, Zürich, Switzerland; Anton Harber, Director, Campaign for Free Expression, South Africa; Dr Anya Schiffrin, Senior Lecturer of Practice, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, United States of America (US); Bruce Mutsvairo, Professor and UNESCO Chair on Disinformation, Data and Democracy, Utrecht University, Netherlands.

Others are Camille Grenier, Operations Director, Forum on Information and Democracy, France; Dr Chamil Wariya, Chairman, Malaysian Press Institute (MPI), Cyberjaya, Malaysia; Churchill Otieno, Executive Director, Eastern Africa Editors Society, and Chairman Africa Media Convention, Kenya; Dr Courtney Radsch, fellow UCLA Institute for Technology, Law and Policy and Director, Center for Journalism and Liberty, US;  and Dr Dinesh Balliah, Director, Wits Centre for Journalism, Wits University, South Africa.

Others were Edetaen Ojo, Executive Director, Media Rights Agenda, Nigeria; Emma McDonald, Executive Director, Impact Missions, Minderoo Foundation, Australia; Franz Krüger, Associate Professor, NLA Mediehøgskolen, Kristiansand, Norway and associate researcher, Wits Centre of Journalism, South Africa; Hamadou Tidiane SY, journalist, founder of E-jicom and Ouestaf news, Senegal; Hani Barghouthi, Campaigns Manager, Public Interest News Foundation, United Kingdom;  Izak Minnaar, independent journalism consultant and trainer, South Africa; and Dr Iyobosa Uwugiaren, General Secretary, Nigerian Guild of Editors, Nigeria, among others.