Minimum Wage: Senator Adeola Advocates Review of Revenue Allocation Formula to Implement New Wage

Senator Solomon Adeola representing APC, Lagos West Senatorial District and Chairman of Senate Committee on Local Content has called for the review of Revenue Allocation Formula by the Revenue Mobilisation and Fiscal Commission as a way to effectively implement the recommended N30,000 new national minimum way across all tiers of government.

He made his thoughts known during a meeting of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Minimum Wage chaired by Senator Francis AlimiKhena to consider the Minimum Wage Bill.

Senator Adeola said he is in full support of the recommended N30,000 as contained in the National Minimum Wage Bill adding the law when passed must be implemented by all the three tiers of government.

“I am in support of the recommended minimum wage as it will go a long way in cushioning the challenges faced by workers. However, there must be no excuse for non implementation by any tiers of government across the federation. It is in this wise that I call on the Revenue Mobilisation and Fiscal Commission to begin a process that will lead to the review of the Revenue Allocation Formula for all tiers of government to be able to pay the minimum wage when passed into law”.

The senator also supported the sanctions contained in the bills for indolent workers emphasising that with the new minimum wage for workers and improved welfare packages, the Civil Service at all levels must perform at its best as they are critical component in the delivery of dividends of democracy to the people.

The Senate Ad Hoc Committee is expected to submit its report for the passage of the national minimum wage bill to the Senate during plenary next Tuesday.

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