Home EntertainmentShort Stories #ShortStories: Memories (Episode Eight)

#ShortStories: Memories (Episode Eight)

by Hafeestonova

Anthony hasn’t been himself. Everything he did to make sure she remembered him hadn’t worked, and at this point, he could tell from her constant reactions that she was growing tired of his attempts to evoke memories she couldn’t recall.

Before she was discharged from the hospital, Anthony showed her many pictures and videos they had taken together before the accident. Being a photographer, she had created those images in a way that, when viewed, radiated love—the love between two people. However, as she viewed them, she didn’t feel any emotions. Well, that’s not entirely true; she did feel something, but it wasn’t love. She felt scared. In those pictures and videos, she could see how happy she had been, but looking at Anthony now, she didn’t feel anything for him—only fear. Ever since she had woken up from her coma, something about Anthony had unsettled her.

Anthony had wanted to wait until she was discharged from the hospital to show her the wedding ring and their wedding pictures. But considering that all the previous images he had shown her hadn’t triggered any memories, he decided to present the ring to her, explaining the memories behind it.

A month after they had started dating, she and Anthony had gone shopping at the mall. As usual, they took pictures and made videos, creating memories filled with playful moments. While at the mall, they walked past a jewelry store. Anthony spotted a lovely necklace and felt it would look good on her, so he suggested they take a look. While Anthony negotiated the price of the necklace, she browsed the store and discovered the ring.

According to her, it was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. She called Anthony’s attention to it and said, “If you ever plan on proposing to me, this is the ring I want.” He laughed and replied, “Who told you I would be proposing with a ring?” She faced him earnestly and said, “I want you to get that ring and propose to me right now.” He thought she was joking, but she wasn’t. She asked the salesgirl for the price of the ring, and after hearing it, she said to Anthony, “I don’t mind paying for it; just take this ring and propose to me right now.”

Anthony obliged. He told the salesgirl to bring out the ring, and as she handed it over to him, she said, “Forget about all those speeches or getting on your knees. Just put the ring on my finger; I have married you already.” Like someone under a spell, Anthony did exactly as she instructed without asking questions. She had a radiant smile on her face as he slid the ring onto her finger; then she kissed him passionately for about two minutes and said, “I’m yours forever.”

While she was in the happiest mood, Anthony had many questions swirling in his mind. What was so special about this ring? Did I just propose to her? That thought made him smile a bit. He finally got the answers to his questions when they got home. She told him, “The moment I saw that ring, I couldn’t imagine not having it on my finger; most importantly, I couldn’t picture another man putting a ring on my finger except you. To me, that was the moment I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you…”

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