#ShortStories: Memories (Episode Four)

He woke up around 4 AM, having tried so hard not to fall asleep. But I guess what they say is true: “You can’t cheat nature.” He wanted to be awake when she woke up, but after all the stress he had gone through, especially the traffic on the way to the hospital, he had to sleep.

As he continued to stare at her, he noticed she was still asleep. Memories flooded back to the very first time she had slept over at his house—how beautiful she looked just lying beside him, naked. They had just finished what she had dubbed “breathtaking sex.” She had always known she loved him; for her, it was love at first sight from the very first day she saw him in the bank.

But it was after this incredible moment that she became certain she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. They started dating three months after that day she had given him a ride from the bank, and it took them another three months before they finally had sex. One of the things she had shared with him while they were still getting to know each other was that she had never had a good sexual experience. Therefore, their first time together was something both of them eagerly anticipated. For her, it was about hoping to enjoy it more than her past experiences; for him, it was about giving her the first good sexual experience she had always desired. They both looked forward to that day with enormous expectations.

It was a Friday when he closed from work and drove to her house to pick her up. They went to a buka (local restaurant) to eat. She was quite surprised when he called her to say he wanted to take her out, not expecting the destination to be Iya Mulika’s Buka. But that was one of the things he loved about himself: he was adventurous and did some quirky things that turned out to be romantic. That night was both adventurous and romantic.

After they left Iya Mulika’s Buka, where, by the way, they were the only customers that night (he had paid Iya Mulika to keep the place open for them), she thought it was unique. She had heard of people renting out cinemas or restaurants just to have a special time with their loved ones, but who rents out an entire buka and decorates it with fancy candles? That alone tickled her fancy, and she was ready for whatever plans he had next. However, that was the end of their outing for the night.

Once they got home, he took her to the bedroom and said, “I want to do some really weird things to you tonight, but I need your permission. I promise not to hurt you.” Of course, she knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but she wasn’t sure how weird his ideas might be. Still, the way he stood in front of her, holding her hands and looking into her eyes with so much passion and desire, made her feel confident enough to give him her permission. “I permit you to do weird stuff to me tonight,” she said, smiling.

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