#ShortStories: Memories (Episode One)

ShortStories Memories Episode One

He didn’t get to the hospital on time; it took him six hours after he received the call that she was awake. There had been an accident on the road, causing a major roadblock; even bikes couldn’t move. He considered trekking down to the hospital. He had already gotten out of his car but then remembered how far the hospital was. If he attempted to trek, by the time he got there, he would likely be admitted himself if he didn’t collapse from exhaustion before his arrival.

He had no option but to go back to his car and wait. While sitting there, all he could think about was what he had planned to tell her before the accident. To this day, he still blames himself for letting her drive. All he wanted was to make that day as special as possible. He intended to give her the car as a surprise gift, which was why he had allowed her to drive that particular day. That wasn’t her first time driving; there had been a few occasions when she had driven her dad’s car to his place. But three months ago was the first time she had driven his car, and unfortunately, it ended up being the saddest day of his life.

At first, he thought he had lost her. While the car was somersaulting, he watched helplessly as she flew out of the car through the windscreen. Her body landed right in front of the car. He, who wasn’t even using his seatbelt, had somehow gotten stuck inside, but once the car landed, he found his way out, dragging himself on the ground just to check on her.

There was a lot of blood coming from his body, but that didn’t concern him; he saw her lying on the ground, eyes wide open but unmoving, with no sign of life. He couldn’t bear the thought of her dying, but what he could see at that moment was exactly what it looked like. He also blacked out after a while because the last thing he remembered was dragging himself out of the car to where she lay, and the next thing he knew, he was on a hospital bed attached to all sorts of machines.

His head and ribs were wrapped in bandages. As he opened his eyes slowly, he saw his brother and some doctors. He could feel pain radiating from his head as if a carpenter were driving a nail into it. Still, he was able to summon some energy to ask after her, but the doctors didn’t give him any updates. Instead, they told him to rest and not to worry. But how could he? He felt responsible for everything and needed to know if she was truly dead or if she had somehow survived.

Miraculously, she survived the accident, but she was far from fine; in comparison, his condition was much better than hers. Eventually, after three days, the doctors informed him of her condition, and he was allowed to see her for the first time since the accident. All he could do was shed tears.

So, as he waited in the car for the road to be cleared, he thought of all the ways he would apologize to her. Since he was discharged from the hospital, he has been working on his apology speech.

Episode 1 ends! Please expect the second episode by 5pm tomorrow (August 20th)… Thanks

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

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