9 Signs of a Cheating Partner in a Relationship (#5 is Pure Wickedness)

Signs of a Cheating Partner in a Relationship

People have always been curious if their spouse is cheating behind them. Given certain behaviors and attitudinal changes, people wonder if their spouses are still faithful to them or if they are seeing someone else.

Some people continue for years with a cheating partner without ever knowing it, and some are sure that their spouse is cheating but without proof.

To really catch their spouses in the act, or to obtain incontrovertible proofs, many people hire private investigators to help. However, federal and private investigators that have been hired to catch unfaithful spouses provide certain clues to watch out for to determine if a partner is truly unfaithful.

They point out that there may be nothing to worry about if a partner exhibits one or two of these signs, but there are lots to worry about if four or more of the telltale clues are seen in one individual. Even with the signs, it requires intuition to be perfectly sure that a partner is cheating and unfaithful. Some of these telltale signs are:

1. Making phone calls in the bathroom or closet

If your partner always sneaks away to make private phone calls in the bathroom or closet, then it is a sure sign that something is amiss. If your spouse also leaves the bed in the middle of the night to make calls outside the bedroom, then you must watch out because they may be cheating on you.

2. Deleted or coded text messages

If your spouse is always deleting any text messages that enter their phone or deleting the call logs of previous phone calls, then it is certain that they are hiding something significant from their partner. If they are also always receiving coded messages that you find confusing to decipher, then something is up their sleeve.

3. Hate surprise arrivals and visits

If you come home unannounced and your partner gets squirmy and uncomfortable, then it may be a sign that they are cheating. If they get unsettled by your sudden arrivals, then it is sure you are not the one they are expecting to see, or perhaps your arrival will hinder them from going out to see the person they want to see.

4. Prickliness and short temper

If your partner develops a short temper and gets snappy for no just cause, then they might be up to something behind you. When someone gets ill-tempered all of a sudden and not ready to explain the cause of the worry, then it is certain your presence might be disturbing them in a certain way you are yet to unravel.

5. Defensiveness and evasiveness

If a spouse is always edgy, evasive, and not direct with issues, then the individual is hiding some things or some aspect of their life. When they also get defensive over minor issues, then they are not straight with their partners and that is enough basis for concern. Unfaithful partners tend to be evasive and defensive when there is no reason to be.

6. Buying gifts they don’t want you to see

If you have a spouse who frequently buys gifts they do not want you to see or that you do not know the ultimate beneficiary, then it means the gifts must be for some significant other.

People who are in love always buy gifts and they don’t want many people to know why they buy the gifts or the beneficiaries. So your spouse in this case may be grooming someone else or responding to a love advances.

7. Extra grooming

This may not always be a cause for worry unless it is a recent preoccupation. People like to look good for others to appreciate them, and if your spouse has been spending more time before the mirror of recent and taking extra care to look sexy or smell nice, then they are surely doing it for someone you may not know yet.

8. Excessive overtime and unexplained trips

If your partner begins to do more overtime than is usual at work or begins to embark on unexplained trips with persons you don’t know or approve of, then it is a sign that something else may be going on. Sometimes people register with a gym in order to have more time to meet their lovers or to have an excuse to leave home to see them.

9. Less sex

If your spouse used to be a tiger in the bed but has lately lost interest in sex or complains of your prowess, then there is fire on the mountain. If your partner is seeing someone else, then it is certain that with time, they will engage in less sex or find faults with your lovemaking.

If they also insist on certain love techniques that are alien to your sex routine without an explanation for where they obtained the knowledge or skill, then you might want to be on the lookout.


Other signs include missed calls from an unknown number, needless lies, unexplained sex items such as condoms in hidden places, foreign scents on clothes, unexplained spending, absence at family gatherings, and late outings among others.

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