Student who helped stop Colorado school shooter says he’s no hero

/// Here is a photo to go with the School Shooting-Colorado story. Photo permission from the kid's mom is sent to phoreleases. Snippet from story: the family of another student who said he was involved in the disarming of the gunman released a statement saying he was shot twice while disarming one of the attackers. Joshua Jones' family called Castillo "a special hero" and said "we consider ourselves fortunate the result was not much, much worse." The family declined to comment further. From: Josh Lewis Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 2:55 PM To:;;; AP Planner - Colorado ;; Subject: #STEMShooting Jones Family Media Release Please see the attached statement from the Jones family regarding their son and brother, Joshua, involved in the STEM shooting incident May 7th.

Joshua Jones and two cohorts helped spare lives when they handled one of two individuals behind the Colorado mass shooting that killed a youthful hero and injured eight others.

Be that as it may, Jones, 18, wouldn’t like to be known as a hero, says Josh Lewis, a representative for his family. His companion, Kendrick Castillo, was lethally shot Tuesday as they gave others time to seek shelter or run.

Jones stuck the shooter with his body until police touched base, as indicated by Lewis. He endured gunfire wounds to one side calf and hip.

“He sees himself as truly blessed and lucky,” Lewis says.

Being a school shooting hero shouldn’t be a piece of the young years.

Jones is loaded up with blame, lament and misery for Kendrick’s family, Lewis says.

The secondary school senior is coordinating with the Douglas County Sheriff’s examination concerning the shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch – the most recent in a progression of mass shootings in the more extensive network, including Columbine High School and the Aurora cinema.

The two suspects – 18-year-old student Devon Erickson and 16-year-old Alec McKinney – will show up in court one week from now to hear the charges against them. They are the two students at the school and face murder and attempted murder allegations, according to George Brauchler, the nearby head prosecutor.

Jones is at home recuperating, his family demanding that he uses his braces. He promises to dump them for a his May 20 graduation, as indicated by Lewis.

Jones dependably thought he needed to turn into an EMT however at this point he’s sure, Lewis says. The adolescent might want to go on a Mormon mission before his EMT preparing.

At the point when the shooter hauled out a weapon in British writing class on Tuesday, Lewis said Jones, Kendrick and another understudy, Brendan Bialy, responded very quickly, Lewis says. They acted together.

“I realize that in light of what he did, others are alive,” Kendrick’s dad, John Castillo, said. “I adore him. Also, he is a hero and he will dependably be.”

Bialy said he moved the weapon far from the shooter. Jones bound the suspect. Bialy attempted to get Kendrick to talk yet he wasn’t moving.

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