The Only Thing Keeping You from Being Rich


Why do some people tend to make a lot of money while others find it really difficult to get by? Is there some magic key that unlocks riches that has been hidden for a long time that only very people have been able to find? Well, there is such a key, and I will make you realize how that has been keeping you from being wealthy. What is this key? Your Mindset!.

I risk sounding like a broken record, but the mind is the only thing that has kept you from being as rich as you wish to be. And I have proof you would be interested in learning about in this article.

  • Physical Proof

There is a cycle that is active in each and every human, and it starts from the mind. The cycle goes thus;

Thoughts   »   Emotions   »   Behaviour/Actions

It starts from a thought like “Oh, I will never be rich!” Then you start to feel less than you are really worth. And then you saw an opening for a major contract that you could actually apply for because you have what they really want. But because of that mindset, it translates into your behaviour and you say, “Oh, someone else would probably beat me, so why should I bother?”

But no! Don’t write yourself off when no one else has. You owe yourself the respect to keep believing in yourself no matter how it seems like everyone else doesn’t.

With that example above, look through various aspects of your life where you think that you really have been limiting yourself because of your negative mindset. Think about the effect it has had on you, and do something about it.

And to tackle that mindset, start telling yourself all those positive traits and goals you want to achieve. Believe that you have actually achieved them, and always remind yourself when you seem to be slipping back into your old pattern of thoughts.

  • Metaphysical Proof

And what does it say, “you draw to yourself whatever you think about the most.” I have experienced this and I believe that it is true. If you have ever experienced feeling that something bad will happen, and you came to strongly believe that it will, and it did, you have experienced this first-hand.

This world is just like a magnet of various makings, you only draw to yourself those things that you are on the same frequency in. One great example of this is addictions or cravings. You just cannot get your mind off it, and that is always when you want to get it as though your life depended on it.

Your mindset plays an important role in making you wealthy. You will only become as wealthy as the limits of your mind. Your mind sees a few hundred or thousands, and that becomes your reality. Your mind sees millions, that’s where you’re going. Your mind sees billions, then get ready to play ball with the big boys.

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