Top Investment Opportunities in Nigeria with High Yields

Top Investment Opportunities in Nigeria with High Yields

A few years ago, many Nigerians lost lots of money on various Ponzi schemes. While that was very heartbreaking for some, it was really rewarding for other people. One lesson to be learnt from that experience is that people should never chase “get rich quick” schemes. A greater number of those who invested in those Ponzi schemes didn’t even have any idea or basic knowledge in investing.

A tip before we get into the business of this article is to not chase profits but pursue understanding. Much of our time should be invested in getting a proper investment education for ourselves. That way, we can spot good or bad investments and not rely on word from some advertiser telling us that this and that is going to appreciate in value because that’s what they all say.

I’ll be talking about 3 top investment opportunities in Nigeria today that has a really good return on your investment.

Without much ado, let’s get down to business.

1. Agriculture – Ranking 6th in the world’s largest producers of farm output, Nigeria has been a very rewarding location in investing in agriculture. Products like rice, cassava, millet, corns, cocoa and so much more are produced at a staggering rate each year that agriculture still remains and would remain a sector that is really profitable to invest in Nigeria.
Nigeria used to be a major exporter of farm produce not until we began to experience rapid population growth and it all reduced. That should tell you something, more people here in Nigeria are ready to consume your farm produce if you make it available.

2. Transport – With the massive population we have here in Nigeria, the transportation industry has been a very lucrative source of income as a lot of people travel from one place to another on a daily basis. Maybe, not long-distance journeys but even taking those short trips to our places of work, or school, or religious gatherings, we still hit the road. So, the transportation industry has the propensity to generate a huge sum of income. Domestic transportation is also key to economic growth. So, while you’re making your money on this one, you also help grow the Nigeria’s economy. Be patriotic! ?

3. Solar Energy – We complain all the time about not having electricity in some parts of Nigeria, but still, not much people try to invest in this sector as people would pay to have electricity that is more stable than that we get from power holding companies. Think about this. Having massive solar panels across locations with poor electricity and make the rates cheaper for people there to use. They would gladly pay as long as they can save cost and get more power for their money.

There’s a prediction that the solar power industry in Africa would be worth trillions of dollars in a few years/decades.

Nigeria has one of the largest economies in the world, that means so many opportunities that we really did not include in this article. Investing in these sectors is very lucrative as you get high returns because of the very high demand of these resources today.

Of course, you don’t necessarily have to invest your time in starting any of these businesses if you have the monetary resources to search for another business and invest in it, being on the advantage that you have the money. Notwithstanding, don’t rush into investing in anything you have not first gained at least rudimentary knowledge about.

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