Home News Trump is welcome to testify- Nancy Polosi

Trump is welcome to testify- Nancy Polosi

by Hafeestonova

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said that President Trump is allowed testify in the ongoing impeachment inquiry against him if he chooses.

The House has launched an impeachment inquiry into Trump after a whistle blower from the CIA alleged Trump asked Ukraine’s government in a July phone call to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden, in exchange for $300m military aid, alleging a quid pro quo, an allegation Trump has vehemently denied.

Pushing back against accusations from the president that the process has been stacked against him, Pelosi said Trump is welcome to appear or answer questions in writing, if he chooses.

She said “If he has information that is exculpatory, that means ex, taking away, culpable, blame, then we look forward to seeing it. Trump could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants if he wants”.

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