Here are the Best Ways to Die a Poor and Wretched Man/Woman

There is a book titled Die Broke authored by Stephen Pollan and Mark Levine, and on the jacket, the author writes, “The last check I want to write is to the undertaker and it should bounce.”

Another commentator on a social network forum made a similar remark: “When I die I want my last checks to bounce.” And these opinions underlie this question: What is so bad about dying poor?

Well, everything is wrong about dying poor and wretched! It compromises your future and old-age and endangers the existence of your children and generations.

If you’re still eager to die poor and wretched, the following are some of the things you need to do:

1. Disregard the future

If you care little about what happens after you pass on, or care less about what the future holds for you, then you are gunning for future losses. Do not ever think that the future will sort out itself when you get there; there is actually no future because the future is now.

Think more about your future and about retirement than you think of today. Be more concerned about a future time when you lose all strength and physical capability to work again or earn incomes, and you’d not be toeing the line of old-age poverty.

2. Lack of willpower to save

Your inability to commit some earnings to savings stands you in good stead for failure. Saving is not by grace, it should be developed as a habit. If you lack the ability to force yourself and put some money away, then you are heading to a dead-end.

You will only know the ill you’re doing yourself when you suddenly fall ill and lack the cash to buy simple medications. Saving for retirement and immediate investments is the best way to go, but if you lack the willpower to do it then you run a risk of dying poor and wretched.

3. Live only for the day

“One day at a time” is a good maxim for health and vitality, having a one-day-at-a-time mentality predisposes you to poverty. You stand a good chance of dying poor if you never bother about the future or what it holds for you.

Many people work for daily wages and end up spending all their daily wages each day, and then start laboring the next day again.

Supposing you earn $20 or N1,500 each day for your work and end up spending it all each day on food, with the hope that you will earn again the next day, then you stand a good chance of dying poor and wretched.

4. Remain an illiterate

Illiteracy, they say is a disease. This is largely because of illiteracy engenders ignorance, and ignorance breeds poverty.

Although education does not guarantee wealth, it does place you on a good footing for wealth. Generally speaking, most poor people in the world over are illiterates and ignorant people, and the best way to die poor and wretched is to shun education in all its meanings.

5. Disregard your health

You stand a good chance of dying a poor and wretched man regardless of your present wealth if you ignore your health and fail to take care of your body. You could end up spending all your fortunes on medical bills and on expensive hospitalization if you fail to watch after your health in the pursuit of money.

Your body and health should be your first priority or you may end up spending all your wealth in the intensive care unit of a local hospital before the cold hands of death claim you away.

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