This Is Why the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer

Why the Rich Get Richer

Have you ever wondered why the rich people just get richer and the poor just get poorer? Have you ever wanted to understand what exactly you’ve been doing wrong that has been affecting your chances of becoming extremely wealthy? Well, this article was written specifically because of you.

I will be exposing you to habits that make it clear why the rich will always tend to make more money and the poor will always struggle with it, except…

Let’s get down to business.

The rich buy assets, the poor buy liabilities

Warren Buffet’s first investment was buying a ping-pong machine and placing it in a store. It made enough cash flow that he went on to buy other machines — assets — to make him more money.

The poor, however, would have spent it buying a nice-looking gadget that would actually cost them to maintain it.

The rich think big, the poor settles

Rich people understand that they were meant for big things — that’s confidence — and were not made to settle. So, they force themselves to go out to get what they want even if that takes a lot of sweat.

The poor, however, are comfortable with whatever they are going through. That seems to have sounded rather harsh, but that’s the truth.

A lot of people have been encouraged to “dream”, as that is the only way you will attain your goals, but they also forget that there’s the work aspect, and a lot of poor people are wired to sit down and let life happen to them – that shouldn’t be you.

The rich take risks, the poor play it safe

Rich people understand that the biggest gains come from the biggest pains. They aren’t scared of taking risks. The poor just want to take a job, earn an “honest living”, and not learn anything about money while they gamble on investments that they do not understand whatsoever.

The rich create jobs, the poor works in one

If you ask a lot of people what they really want to earn them a lot of money, the poor will almost always ask for a high-paying job. They have tagged creating businesses “hard work” that they don’t even want to learn how it works even if it is really rewarding.

The rich, however, don’t want to work in a job that they’d rather create and employ poor people to do the work.

Think rich!

The rich don’t mind looking poor, but the poor always wants to look rich

Reading the book, “The Millionaire Next Door”, you’ll realize that a lot of the wealthiest people alive are really down-to-earth people. They have made it a habit of living below their means and investing more that they cannot start to act otherwise because they know that no amount of money is enough for anyone.

But poor people will always want to get the latest cars, phones, clothes, jewelry, etc.

It’s not that the rich don’t buy all those things, but rather, they buy them off the money made from an asset, while the poor buys them with his sweat and time from working for someone else.

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